SOI LOCAN: Reaching Out to Malawi, Africa

LOCAN is a reading program for non-readers - primarily those that are figural learners. All children who are preliterate or non-literate will benefit from this program. It uses picture-characters (glyphs) to represent words, so every word in the LOCAN language has its own glyph. Almost exactly a year ago, my husband and I were sitting in the living room of a dear friend, visiting with two recent acquaintances. One of our new friends, a lady from Kentucky, is the director of a mission in Malawi, Africa. The other new friend is a pastor and leader of the community, church, and…

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SOI Advanced & Associate Workshop Review

We are excited to have completed another Advanced and Associate workshop. We are grateful to the SOI practitioners who were able to participate – many for the first time! We kicked off the workshop by introducing our newest products: Vision: Focusing Skills workbook Math Motivation workbook Reading Right workbook Inspire Creativity workbook new SOI modules new SOI brochures Dr. Robert Meeker discussed our ALA & PLA tests, Diane Hochstein presented the Meeker Paradigm, and several guest speakers shared their SOI successes from around the country! The highlight of the workshop was Dr. Meeker’s presentation: Public Education in the United States.…

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Summer School or Summer Camp?

It happens every spring. I get a frantic call from a parent of a child who is about to be held back a grade in school if the child does not attend summer school. Sometimes, the child is in public school and struggled with math, reading, or everything, and has the state testing results to “prove” it. Other times, the child is in private school and is not able to keep up with the private school’s accelerated program. This year I received a call from Leo’s mother, Nina. Leo is a small, 12-year-old handsome Mexican-American boy with a smile that…

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The Early Days of IPP

In the fall of 1991, I had the privilege of meeting a young man named Lonnie. Dr. Mary and Dr. Robert Meeker were in the beginning stages of creating IPP (Integrated Practice Protocol) and meetings with Blanch Brandt from San Bernardino were taking place. Ms. Brandt played a critical role in the San Bernardino Detention Center that housed youth that had committed significant crimes. Some of these youth would be transferred into an adult correctional institution to continue serving their sentence. Other youth would be released upon serving their required time. Ms. Brandt served many of these youth with a…

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How SOI Sparks Spread

There is a woman in Waterloo, Ontario (Canada) who has been offering SOI remediation for years. Last year, I got a call from a Special Ed teacher who lived a few hours drive from Waterloo. Her son had been SOI assessed and was helped tremendously through an SOI program. Could she get the training for SOI somehow? Since the woman in Waterloo only trained assistants, the Special Ed teacher made arrangements for herself and another to fly to B.C. to receive SOI Basic Training. Recently, they have been able to use SOI assessment to take a ‘snapshot’ of a student’s…

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Summer Means Smarter

As a teacher and SOI Practitioner, summer is a time of relaxation, recreation, and connecting with friends and family. However, I have found it’s also a time to work on needed foundational learning abilities with students in my school and other schools in our area. Parents have more free time to bring their children to our center, and some parents are looking for ways to keep their children’s minds and bodies engaged in learning. Juggling sessions around kids’ vacations and other summer activities can be challenging! We created a Summer Punch Card where parents could buy 16, 12, or 8…

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SOI Certified Learning: Improving Primary Education

Before we get started on what SOI Certified Learning is, here are some of the main reasons that you should be using it in your school or classroom: schools and administrators experience positive results and higher test scores students learn to take control of their behavior affordable and easy to use Still not convinced? Take a look at these testimonials: “In my opinion, the Certified Learning program is fantastic at filling in the gaps that kids have. This is my 20th year as an educator, and I have seen nothing that does it better.” - Jennifer Maldonado, Lubbock Cooper North…

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Starting Education with a Solid Foundation: Certified Learning

CERTIFIED LEARNING TEACHES THE INTELLECTUAL ABILITIES YOUR KINDERGARTEN, FIRST, AND SECOND GRADE STUDENTS NEED FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS. There are two alarming “trends” in the classroom that I have observed as a teacher. First, children are frequently focused on getting their school work done quickly at the expense of doing it well. Conscientious children or those who take pride in using discretion and ‘getting it right’ are in the minority. It doesn’t help that video games usually reward speed over accuracy. The other trend is students taking social direction from TV shows. Unfortunately, the characters that are emulated are often superficial,…

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The Internal Gift of Motivation Fuels All Change

There is nothing more heartbreaking to me than a child or adult that has given up in a learning situation. They have struggled to do well for so long that it is easier to not try, to act as if they don’t care, or to act so poorly that it takes the focus off of their failures - failures that never seem to have answers or solutions. It is right at this point of discovery that my dedication to the Structure of Intellect (SOI) begins. When a student or adult is given the SOI Assessment of Learning Abilities (Form L,…

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What is SOI? A Tool for Learning Success!

Help your struggling students. Challenge those that are gifted. Give them all a solid foundation for their academic career! For those who don't know much about SOI, here is a quick summary: SOI is a system of assessments and training materials that develop intellectual abilities/learning functions. We equip students with the necessary intellectual skills to learn subject matter, do analytical thinking, become more creative, and, most importantly, learn how to learn. For those of you who already use SOI, you know this is true! If you're interested in learning more about SOI, I would suggest watching the video below! I…

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