Using the SOI Creativity Short Form Test

SOME KINDS OF INTELLECTUAL GIFTEDNESS RELATE STRONGLY TO ACADEMICS, OTHERS TO LEADERSHIP, AND STILL OTHERS TO THE CREATIVITY & WRITING. The Creativity Short Form profiles the creativity areas in which the student is gifted, near-gifted, above average, average, or below average. This test is often used by schools for highly capable programs, as well as gifted and talented programs. CREATIVITY SHORT FORM SUBTESTS DFU: CREATIVITY USING FIGURAL UNITS Academic Skill: creativity with things Curricular Area: spatial/graphic arts Strength if well-developed: good fluency and confidence with ideas Consequences if not well-developed: will be inhibited in tasks without explicit instructions DMU: CREATIVITY…

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The Potholes in Education

I agree.  My topic and thoughts today sound odd.  I stand accused of thinking too much about the challenges in education, even when sitting in a long line of cars out at the coast of Oregon.  A large section of Highway 101 was being repaired for potholes.  In the section I was at, it is only a two lane road and the wait ended up to be about 15 minutes going and coming.  I was not driving, so I looked up how much potholes cost the American people - billions of dollars.  AAA reports the cost of automobile damage resulting…

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SOI Career Guidance

Two recent private female clients of mine, both historically considered “misfits” by their schools and parents, took the SOI-ALA computer test. I was struck by the similarities in profiles: high creativity (DFU & DMU) and low evaluation. My mother, Mary Meeker, identified years ago a pattern of the struggling creatively gifted. Both of these girls have had difficulty keeping jobs and finding work that was meaningful. Both had creativity scores above the 98th percentile. Evaluation scores were below the 10th percentile. They both reported that they not only cannot make good decisions about the jobs they choose, but that they…

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Learning Abilities Testing: How It Works

The key to remedy learning failure is to know why the failure is occurring and to have a systematic approach for eliminating the cause. TESTS SOI tests are tests of learning abilities. If students are having difficulty learning, the cause may be a lack of learning abilities. Learning abilities are more fundamental than curricular skills, yet most “diagnostics” of learning problems focus exclusively on curricular skills, and thus most remedial programs are focused on the same curricular skills. When the usual remedial programs are not successful, the causes of the learning problems have probably been misdiagnosed. SOI tests offer an…

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Learning Solutions: The Actions You See – The Words You Never Hear

SOI HAS BEEN PROVIDING INNOVATIVE LEARNING SOLUTIONS FOR OVER 50 YEARS. SAM, AGE 8 “Oh no, we’re going to read out loud again? I wish I could just disappear. She’s handing out the books. I can’t, I just can’t read out loud again and have the guys laugh when I stumble over the words. I don’t get why they can read without stumbling and I read like a K student. When we go out to recess, someone always says something dumb to me and I just shrug my shoulders. My parents and teacher hate when I do that. Think… I’m…

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Career Counseling for a Millennial: SOI ALA-PLA

The SOI test is helpful for career counseling. The SOI career analysis reviews an individual’s different abilities and matches their aptitude to a career preference. No matter the academic experience, a person may not have the qualifications within their ability skills to meet the requirements for a particular career. SOI test results allow you to construct an academic path toward a career in which you will be successful. A 28 year old young man came to me for therapy for anxiety. He graduated the University of Florida in engineering, but could only find a job in sales. He reported that…

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Similarities Between Parents and Children

ASSESSING PARENTS AND CHILDREN: SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES On many of the occasions where I have assessed both parents and their children, I have been fascinated by the results. Here are two examples. Many years ago, I assessed a father and son. Both had a high incidence of gifted scores, were left-handed, and had significant hidden visual perception issues. In the case of the father, the vision issues didn’t prevent him from becoming a good reader. He attained good scores in English literature, qualifying to be a teacher and entering a Master’s program. The son, whose visual perception problems were all…

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You’ve Got Talent!

I have often thought of renaming my position from teacher to “Talent Development Specialist”. The idea of helping children develop their talents and gifts started many years ago when I read a book call the The Power of Uniqueness by Bill Hendricks and Arthur Miller. This fascinating book changed my thinking about how we encourage and train children. The authors emphasized that each of us are born with a prescribed pattern of strengths that indicate what kind of life’s work we should pursue in the future. When I was introduced to SOI, I recognized it was a fantastic tool to…

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What Can You Do to Improve Learning Effectively?

SOI's main focus is to improve learning. To unleash learning potential. On Wednesday, March 11, 2015, I had Level 2 training for SOI/IPP (Structure of Intellect’s Integrated Practice Protocol). It was so great! My instructor was Diane Hochstein, and I’m truly honored to have her as both a trainer and friend. Her 20 years of knowledge and experience in the field of special education and alternative learning programs are amazing. I had five students the she IPP screened, and although none of these children have really bad learning issues, she was able to find areas that they could improve on!…

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Labels Work Well On Pickle Jars, Not Students

SOI is successful when students internally own the abilities to learn! What a shock it would be to buy dill pickles only to bite into a very sweet pickle! Proper labeling is important for many reasons. Medicine is tasked with making accurate diagnosis that leads to the care, procedures, and medicine to treat patients. Efficiency in life, play, work, travel, and making purchases are in large part due to correct labeling. Even very young children know what a product is by the picture on the label. However, I’m not writing this to expound on the many positive aspects regarding labels.…

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