Alternate Schools – Alternate Programs

There is a very strong case to support the existence of alternate programs. Most people are aware of alternate programs that are geared to students who are at risk socially or who struggle academically. Many students can be guided to become successful, productive members of the community with the right kind of intervention. What you may be less likely to know about is that there is a profile for the “Gifted with Learning Problems” student. These are the ones we refer to as having mountains and valleys. These students’ potential may be completely derailed as their needs go unmet. They…

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Getting Back to the Basic of Education

“This is so frustrating!” “It’s too hard!” “I can’t do it anymore!”  “Why are you making us learn this?” One would think those statements are coming from students in the classroom, but they are actually coming from the teachers. Have you heard the saying, “They are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good”? How sad that this nation has become so fixated on “racing to the top” of the education mountain that we are blinded to the fact that we have caused anxiety, heartache, and disillusionment in our teachers. At what point do we make the change back…

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My SOI Journey So Far!

In August 2013, I was hired as an assistant activity leader for the Kid Zone Enrichment Program. Six months later, I was promoted to activity leader and put in charge of the kindergarten and first grade club room. My supervisor, Dylan Fitzpatrick, told me I was perfect for SOI and that I would love it. With learning the exercises, asking questions, and watching Dylan work with my kiddos, I finally got the hang of it! Dylan continued to support me, answer my questions, guide me every step of the way, and teach me as I thirsted for more. At first…

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Fall temperatures have finally arrived in Texas after a very long, hot summer. This weekend, I had the opportunity to take three of my grandsons to the Botanic Garden here in Fort Worth. We meandered through the gardens, having a picnic by the fountain pond, counting turtles by the bridge, throwing sticks in the water, exploring “mysterious forest paths,” and climbing on rocks. The boys led the expedition, and huffing and puffing, I followed. These three grandsons also attend our school, Shady Oak Learning. Major, age 4, is currently in his “junior fireman” stage after crawling on a firetruck last…

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Seven Key Questions You Should Be Asking in Your Classroom

What makes a successful classroom? Or, more importantly, what makes successful students? Is it a good teacher? The most organized classroom? The most exciting lessons? While all of these things are important, we believe that the key to success is this: the student. Is this student ready to learn? How does the student learn best? What areas does the student struggle in? How quickly is the student progressing through the lessons? Does the student have any learning gaps? What can we do to help the student learn best? Why is this student falling behind? Do these things sound important to…

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I Can Hear the Drum Roll of Education

SOI gives you the tools and materials needed to help students who are struggling, challenge those that are gifted, and give them all a solid foundation to be successful throughout their education! It has arrived or will soon arrive. That would be the new school year. The machinery behind school beginning is monumental even down to the small five-year-old I saw that was proudly lugging a basket full of schools supplies. I expressed my respect to him that he was carrying that big basket himself. He cocked his head and said, “Yup, I’m going to school and we have everything…

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How SOI Sparks Spread

There is a woman in Waterloo, Ontario (Canada) who has been offering SOI remediation for years. Last year, I got a call from a Special Ed teacher who lived a few hours drive from Waterloo. Her son had been SOI assessed and was helped tremendously through an SOI program. Could she get the training for SOI somehow? Since the woman in Waterloo only trained assistants, the Special Ed teacher made arrangements for herself and another to fly to B.C. to receive SOI Basic Training. Recently, they have been able to use SOI assessment to take a ‘snapshot’ of a student’s…

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Summer Means Smarter

As a teacher and SOI Practitioner, summer is a time of relaxation, recreation, and connecting with friends and family. However, I have found it’s also a time to work on needed foundational learning abilities with students in my school and other schools in our area. Parents have more free time to bring their children to our center, and some parents are looking for ways to keep their children’s minds and bodies engaged in learning. Juggling sessions around kids’ vacations and other summer activities can be challenging! We created a Summer Punch Card where parents could buy 16, 12, or 8…

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SOI Certified Learning: Improving Primary Education

Before we get started on what SOI Certified Learning is, here are some of the main reasons that you should be using it in your school or classroom: schools and administrators experience positive results and higher test scores students learn to take control of their behavior affordable and easy to use Still not convinced? Take a look at these testimonials: “In my opinion, the Certified Learning program is fantastic at filling in the gaps that kids have. This is my 20th year as an educator, and I have seen nothing that does it better.” - Jennifer Maldonado, Lubbock Cooper North…

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Starting Education with a Solid Foundation: Certified Learning

CERTIFIED LEARNING TEACHES THE INTELLECTUAL ABILITIES YOUR KINDERGARTEN, FIRST, AND SECOND GRADE STUDENTS NEED FOR ACADEMIC SUCCESS. There are two alarming “trends” in the classroom that I have observed as a teacher. First, children are frequently focused on getting their school work done quickly at the expense of doing it well. Conscientious children or those who take pride in using discretion and ‘getting it right’ are in the minority. It doesn’t help that video games usually reward speed over accuracy. The other trend is students taking social direction from TV shows. Unfortunately, the characters that are emulated are often superficial,…

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