Taking the Next Step in Learning with SOI

At SOI Systems, we provide you with practical ways to help your students succeed. SOI is a system of assessments and training materials that develop intellectual abilities and learning functions.

We equip students with the necessary intellectual skills to learn subject matter, do analytical thinking, become more creative, and, most importantly, learn how to learn.


The robustness of the SOI tests helps incorporate students with gifts in areas not usually included in other assessments. figural, symbolic, evaluation, and creativity abilities are all evaluated to be considered along with students who are gifted in the traditional semantic abilities.

The results indicate areas of giftedness, abilities in need of development, and how the near-gifted can become gifted. SOI measures potential, not achievement, so it increases the possibilities for your program.


IPP (Integrated Practice Protocol) gets to the root of learning difficulties by addressing the issues that often cause poor academic performance.

It is successful because it works to improve attention span, memory, comparison/contrast thinking, eye-hand coordination, systems reasoning and other skills essential to the learning process. With sensory integration, visual processing, auditory processing, and brain exercises, IPP will improve students’ academic performance.

“The SOI-IPP program allows students to feel good about themselves and to assess their weaknesses and build on their strengths. I have seen students ‘blossom’ in a very short period of time.”

IPP screens and addresses these areas:

Sensory Integration: balance, crossing the midline, mentally crossing the midline, and body in space

Vision Focusing Skills: teaming, aiming at the target, shifting between seat & board work, moving across the page, & targeting an object


The Certified Learning program teaches your kindergarten, first, and second graders all of the intellectual abilities they need for academic success.

This managed program allows students to work at their own pace so that all of their needs can be met. Certified Learning only takes a short amount of time per day, is easy to use, and most importantly, makes a difference in your students!

“In my opinion, the Certified Learning program is fantastic at filling in the gaps that kids have. This is my 20th year as an educator, and I have seen nothing that does it better.”

Certified Learning is organized into three instructional centers: workbooks, computer, and physical. Students spend 20 minutes in each center daily. These centers teach your students to work both independently as well as in a group. They take ownership of their learning when they are responsible for moving to a different center at the appropriate time.


If students are having difficulty learning, the cause may be a lack of learning abilities. SOI offers a broad range of testing, teaching, and personalized training services based on a proven theory of human intelligence.

We don’t ask how much intelligence. We ask, “what kind”?

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