IPP Success Stories Are The Best!

Who doesn’t love a good success story? Take a look at some of these stories about the SOI-IPP program!

This program has moved our intervention with students to a level not seen anywhere else in our district and, I dare say, to a level not seen in most districts in Texas. We have truly implemented an effective RTI program. SOI has put in place the protocols for intervention, provided tracking and structure to our progress monitoring, and built an incredible support team for students and teachers.

We have seen a documented drop in our special education referrals in the last five years due to this program. SOI/IPP is foremost an intervention program that helps students be more successful with school, but it is also a cost effective way of identifying those in need and preventing unnecessary referrals for special education or dyslexia.

– R.M., principal in Lubbock, TX     

I am taking this opportunity to thank all of you who have made it possible for my son, Ryan, to be a participant in the SOI program… He has shown great improvement in his writing skills, enough that his SOI specialist has recommended he no longer needs to see Ryan. Another area in where Ryan has shown improvement is in his reading. Although he is still five years behind, he has jumped three grade levels in just one semester.

Thank you to all the women who made this possible for him. The SOI program is very beneficial, and I do not understand why it is not fully being used. So many great things could be happening with it.

– a very appreciative parent, Rosa

Joan McNeil, from Lubbock-Cooper West Elementary School in Texas, sent us this story:

We took two of our third-grade classrooms down to the cafeteria to do the SOI PLA Test. One young man started questioning me about the SOI test. He asked me, “What does SOI stand for? Why do we have to do this? Does the test tell us about the brain?”

After several more questions, he finally looked up at me and asked, “If I bomb this test, can I start in the IPP Lab? I have tried to join the SOI Lab for a year now!

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SOI Career Guidance

Two recent private female clients of mine, both historically considered “misfits” by their schools and...

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