SOI assessments are available for grades pre-k to adult. They relate to education, careers, and life. Discover what areas are already strong, and which may be causing learning difficulties.
SOI analyses profile these abilities: reading, math, memory, comprehension, problem-solving, evaluation, and creativity. Analyses indicate what areas need improvement, and provide insight into dominant learning styles.
Comprehensive, individualized programs are developed based on each individual's results. Low abilities can be targeted and improved with SOI training materials, while average and gifted abilities can be further enhanced the same way.
Thank you for all your work in helping our daughter improve her academics. She has turned into the beautiful butterfly we always knew she was!
My best experience with SOI is what it has done for me. When I came to SOI in 1998 I could not complete work on my AA degree. I am now in the final stages of obtaining my Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership. This would not have happened without SOI testing and the modules needed to develop my low abilities.
I highly recommend the SOI test if you are seeking to understand your child's strengths and weaknesses. The SOI test is a terrific guide to tell you not just how much intelligence a person has but what kind. I highly recommend it.
There are a few actions that change your life, and taking the SOI was one that changed my life. I will never forget our discussion about my results.
Before we started SOI, the school day was tough and I didn’t know if he understood the concepts I was teaching. Now, not only do I know he understands the concepts, but he asks questions and digs deeper into the world around him. SOI gave him confidence in trying and succeeding in new things. The tough school days became less and less until it’s hard for me to remember the struggles we had before.
Throughout this program, my daughter increasingly demonstrated the capacity to retain information learned. Her ability to focus and maintain attention changed dramatically; so much so that her teacher noticed the improvement.
My son is now reading on grade level, he has the best handwriting of all my children, and he is confident in himself again. As a mother, I am forever grateful. As an educator I am amazed at what SOI has done for him. I will forever sing the praises of the program. I am a believer.
I no longer have issues with reading and still love it to this day!
...then I was introduced to the SOI program. Once we established my baseline and provided me with a few simple exercises the difference was like night and day. I have improved at least a letter grade in all of my collegiate classes, and I don’t fall asleep dreading the next day of classes. The SOI program changed my life.
Thank you for all your work in helping our daughter improve her academics. She has turned into the beautiful butterfly we always knew she was!
My best experience with SOI is what it has done for me. When I came to SOI in 1998 I could not complete work on my AA degree. I am now in the final stages of obtaining my Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership. This would not have happened without SOI testing and the modules needed to develop my low abilities.