SOI Advanced & Associate Workshop Review

We are excited to have completed another Advanced and Associate workshop. We are grateful to the SOI practitioners who were able to participate – many for the first time!

We kicked off the workshop by introducing our newest products:

  • Vision: Focusing Skills workbook
  • Math Motivation workbook
  • Reading Right workbook
  • Inspire Creativity workbook
  • new SOI modules
  • new SOI brochures

Dr. Robert Meeker discussed our ALA & PLA tests, Diane Hochstein presented the Meeker Paradigm, and several guest speakers shared their SOI successes from around the country!

The highlight of the workshop was Dr. Meeker’s presentation: Public Education in the United States. He addressed the current state of education in our country, and the reasons why our system has deteriorated from an A to a C- over the past 60 years.

“Today, we are left with a school system that is frustrated and confused. The school community is frustrated because, although the deterioration is widely acknowledged, there is no consensus on how it should be changed.”

Not only did Dr. Meeker address the current problem, but he presented the most efficient, direct, and economical way to deal with the failure at hand.

“Redesign the system to deal with the failures occurring in the extant operations.”

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  1. It was wonderful to meet so many new people, see the great SOI staff, see the new digs, and most of all learn from the best. Thank you for the opportunity.

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