SOI Certified Learning: Improving Primary Education

Before we get started on what SOI Certified Learning is, here are some of the main reasons that you should be using it in your school or classroom:

  • schools and administrators experience positive results and higher test scores
  • students learn to take control of their behavior
  • affordable and easy to use

Still not convinced? Take a look at these testimonials:

“In my opinion, the Certified Learning program is fantastic at filling in the gaps that kids have. This is my 20th year as an educator, and I have seen nothing that does it better.”

– Jennifer Maldonado, Lubbock Cooper North ES

“‘Excitement’ and ‘empowerment’ are words being used by these  teachers as they and their students reap the benefits of being able to ‘certify’ that the individual educational needs of students in their classes are being met and they are reaching their goal of truly leaving no student behind!”

– Renee Anderson, SOI Senior Program Consultant

Certified learning (for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade) is a managed program that allows students to work at their own pace. It teaches essential, primary learning skills through workbook, computer, and physical exercises.

This program addresses the following difficulties you may have in your classroom:

  • lack of basic learning skills
  • students who are unwilling to work
  • students falling behind
  • students’ inability to focus/concentrate
  • uncontrolled behavior
  • learning difficulties

As mentioned above, Certified Learning is organized into three instructional centers: workbooks, computer, and physical. Students spend 20 minutes in each center daily.

These centers teach your students to work both independently as well as in a group. They take ownership of their learning when they are responsible for moving to different center at the appropriate time.

Your students will be working on these concepts and abilities daily:

  • math
  • focusing skills
  • comprehension
  • problem solving
  • memory
  • evaluation
  • eye-hand coordination

Another advantage of Certified Learning is that students progress through the curriculum at their own pace. This gives them the opportunity to learn the material and master it before moving on to a new exercise.

The teacher management system tracks each student’s progress and will notify the teacher if the student seems to be struggling. This ensures that all students get help when it is needed.

Take a look at the video below to see a Certified Learning classroom in action. It provides a thorough explanation of what Certified Learning can help you and your students accomplish!

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  1. Tanuja

    I am interested in joining SOI training.

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