SOI and Employment Training

SOI has been used successfully in many employment training programs.

Here in Canada, statistics in 2003 pointed to 41% low literacy rates (not much changed from 1994 and projected to continue well on into the future).

Some years ago, a government initiative called Essentials Skills for Workplace Employability was implemented to address these literacy concerns. Key areas of development were identified.

Many SOI practitioners saw how SOI was an outstanding fit as SOI provides a systematic approach to developing the underlying thinking skills necessary for the Essential Skills curriculum.

Some British Columbia SOI practitioners applied for ES funding for employment projects based on the ‘good fit’. One group in the Okanagan was able to obtain funding for a full SOI/IPP centre. Projects were initiated in a couple of locations. In Vernon, clients were lined up to enter the IPP program. Over one hundred clients signed up at places that held just fifteen.

The programs were successful on several counts. Clients were able to develop learning abilities they had never enjoyed. Their progress transferred to success in curriculum. The progress was confirmed on post-test results. Client confidence levels were raised significantly. In the end, underemployed clients were finding the employment that had been so elusive. Clients, who had not had full employment before, were able to be employed or could move on to appropriate training.

Unfortunately, funding did not continue for the SOI/IPP programs in spite of the successful model that these programs demonstrated.

There are other employment programs in BC that continue to use SOI as an important part of their initiative though in a smaller time frame. Even with limited funding issues, SOI continues to serve the employment population.

How is SOI used?

  1. It identifies the needs and challenges of those seeking employment training.
  2. It encourages clients to move ahead with personal development and clarifies what mental abilities are required for them to reach their potential.
  3. Most importantly, it provides the tools to create this transformation through SOI’s individualized brain training program.

written by: Connie Grist, SOI Associate

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