Eliminating the Gap in Elementary Education

“In my opinion, the Certified Learning program is fantastic at filling in the gaps that kids have. This is my 20th year as an educator, and I have seen nothing that does it better.”

– Jennifer Maldonado, Lubbock-Cooper North Elementary

Many students enter their first year of school unprepared to learn. They are unable to sit still. They struggle to understand what the teacher says. They are expected to keep up with everyone else in the classroom. It is a tough place to be sometimes.

At SOI Systems, our goal is students’ success in elementary education. We want them to learn and thrive academically! With this in mind, we designed Certified Learning, a classroom program that teaches primary learning skills to kindergarten, first, and second graders.

We prepare these studCertified Learning ents for the many years of schooling that they have ahead of them. The individualized curriculum gives them the tools they need to succeed academically.

Some of the highlights of the individualized curriculum design include the following: lessons are presented to students individually; students progress at their own pace; students master each lesson before moving onto the next; students’ progress is tracked on a daily basis; and learning difficulties are quickly identified and addressed.

The Certified Learning curriculum is composed of workbook, computer, and group lessons. They focus on crucial components of learning readiness and achievement:

  • Physiological readiness: developing sensory-integration and perceptual skills necessary for learning
  • Intellectual readiness: training the general learning abilities required for the student’s current grade level
  • Achievement: teaching the concepts, skills, and content necessary for math, reading, and science

The results from the 2013-2014 Certified Learning classrooms (implemented in public and private schools) speak for themselves:

  • Throughout the course of the program, students were assigned 32,223 lessons; they mastered 31,596 of them. That is 98 successes out of every 100 lessons assigned!
  • When a student consistently struggled on a lesson, an intervention was always made. There were 565 students who encountered 9,426 learning problems. The interventions for these problems were successful 98% of the time.

As you can see, students are thriving in this program. They feel accomplished every time they master one of their lessons. They get help when they need it. They gain valuable academic skills that they will use in the future. They get to work at a pace that is comfortable for them. And most importantly, they learn!

This video does a great job explaining what Certified Learning accomplishes:

If Certified Learning sounds like a program that could help you in your classroom, or you would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help.

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